Sunday, July 21, 2013

back on the mat | practicing postnatal yoga . . .

each morning i roll out of bed, onto the carpet and into a few stretches. arching. twisting. bending. my creaky body needs some loosening up before i can start the day. breastfeeding and carrying the baby boy about takes its toll. i love the idea of baby wearing. unfortunately my dodgy back does not.

once or twice a week, while sam takes oscar, i try and squeeze in a decent hour of yoga. i've been following a postnatal yoga dvd which gives me exactly what i need, without having to leave the house. postures for chest and shoulder opening and a focus on building core strength. plus some much needed restoration and relaxation. 

often oscar has other plans though, and my session gets cut short. but even ten minutes of yoga can take me from a physical and emotional wreck to feeling like a new woman. it's amazing the impact it has on my mental state. it's like my reboot button. 

right now gentle, easily accessible and short sessions are where i'm at. time on the mat is my time out {even when i am joined by the monkeys}. it's a physical necessity. it's my exercise. it's a healthy mind. it's a bit of nurturing. it's an energy boost.

i've dabbled in all sorts of yoga over the years. it's carried me through many different ages and stages of my adult life. at the moment, while i'm finding my way as a mother of three, i feel like i need it more than ever. 

: :


  1. you're a good woman Rach! I've just started with a personal trainer but want to do some yoga from home too- can you recommend your DVD?

    Also, re the sleeping through- she's done it twice- both times have been the result of REALLY unsettles nights prior- think 3 hours of broken sleep ;)



    1. I've tried a few and found 'post natal yoga' by tara lee pretty good.there's a handy 10 minute session i use regularly. she also has a dvd for yoga you can do with your baby. i'm not so keen on that...


  2. I used to do a lot of yoga and was amazed how my niggling back pain disappeared and my posture improved, without me especially focusing on either issue. I'm a big fan of a home DVD yoga session - much easier to fit around little people and family life. xx

  3. I feel so much better when I take some yoga time out too Rach. I have a great little phone app by Deepak Chopra that has some excellent short routines on it. (You can find it on iTunes.)Best do some today actually...thanks for the reminder! x

    1. Thanks my scoliosis sister! I'll check out the app. Always keen for a fresh routine.

      One day we'll run away to that fancy european clinic and get our crooked backs sorted once and for all!


  4. Hey Rach, Was looking at your blog when Mase came in and saw this pic and said there's Mason!! Didn't think the boys looked that similar but obviously they do! :)

    1. Well they are virtually twins, born a day apart and all! xo

  5. I've just started yoga again and little fox is now six months old. After a fall and now holding him for feeds and settling for sleeps have taken their toll. I'm really hoping as I get into it more it helps restore my strength and reduce stiffness. Happy stretching!!

  6. Hi Rachel,

    Lovely photo - you make me want to just pull my mat out right now. However, I've still got quite a big stomach muscle separation issue after having Flynn so I need to wait a few more months for the muscles to knit together. He is such a big boy that I just can't carry him around in the baby carrier all day anymore without my back playing up.

    And I agree, getting some time to myself in the morning before Daniel goes to work just to have a little walk around the farm is really essential for me to get through the day :-)

    Mel x

  7. This year is my year to focus on the word 'nurture' part of which was to nurture myself more too. As a mama to my two little ones, I rarely have time out to myself and had plans this year of finding a weekly yoga class to attend which would be my 'me time'... my chance to get some exercise, to centre myself and to recharge. I still have yet to find that yoga class... I'm thinking I might follow your example and aim for a DVD at home first which will hopefully leave me with the same benefits. Would you recommend the DVD you talk about for others (eg. is it a good DVD even for women who have not recently had bubs or is there another you would recommend in this case?) Would love your advice... P.S Sweet photo xx

    1. Check out the link above. There are a whole range of yoga dvds in her shop. I like the style, her voice and routines. Nothing beats a real class though!

      rachel xo

  8. Such a sweet photo. I would love to try yoga. And being able to do it at home would really suit me as well. Especially being at home with 3 children and in the country. Thanks for sharing xo

  9. You are looking wonderful Rach. I need to do something similar. Round the corner from us a little pop-up Pilates studio has been set up for a couple of months and they happen to also do pre and post natal pilates. I've never done it before but even without a didgy back, I'm sure the stretching releases a lot more than just muscle tension. xo

  10. Yoga is something I have always been interested it, but I have never tried it. I love the way you describe it, it sounds so amazing.


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