Wednesday, July 31, 2013

around here | the juggle and the struggle . . .

life as a family of five sure is taking a bit of getting used to. it's a constant juggle. trying to meet everyone's needs. the fact that often someone is missing out. the mother's guilt that goes with that.
there are more children than arms. the adults are outnumbered. chaos reigns. it's the new norm.

picture taking and blogging have had to take a back seat for a bit.

i'll be popping in here from time to time. but maybe not as frequently as i once did.

: :

{this week i signed up to instagram. a whole new world of pretty pictures and fabulous friends.
a much easier way to manage updates while my arms are full of baby.  
i am teawithlucy if you'd like to join me there.}  


  1. Hi Rachel, I can only imagine what is like with 3 children, at times I struggle with 2. This photo certainly feels calming.

    So far I have resisted instagram because I feel like my brain cant handle anymore distractions, but I am tempted! x

    1. I'm a sucker for the i-distractions. It's why i resisted a smart phone for so long and why i got rid of facebook! xo

  2. A couple of months ago I was pleased to have found your blog. In a couple of weeks I am expecting our third, surprise (but welcomed), baby. My son is 8 and my daughter is almost 6, so I feel a bit out of practice even though it doesn’t seem that long ago they were in nappies. I haven’t found much information on the net about having school aged children and a baby… at times I wonder how I will manage breakfast and the school drop off with baby in tow – or the reverse, dinner, bath and bedtime routines!!
    While I understand your posts might be sporadic, it is a pleasure to read your blog and know someone else is out there juggling and coping just fine! ;)

    1. I'm a total rookie, but my hot tips are doing lunch boxes the night before and (just quietly) wearing a tracksuit to bed, which has saved me from doing the drop off in my pjs.

    2. Oh, Rachel. I'm laughing so hard at this! (Sorry xx)

  3. Rach, you just blog when the inspiration strikes and spend the time needed enjoying your tribe they grow so fast. You're doing brilliantly. See you over on Instagram I'm @thepoppyfox

  4. I completely get where you are coming from. I found the jump from 2 to 3 children huge! My youngest turned 2 in March and I find only now that I am finally finding my feet. With toddlers and teen hormones to contend with I try to keep our days as simple as possible. xo

    1. It is huge isn't it. I found with the others that 2 years was the turning point as well.

  5. I won't tell my husband about this post - I'm hoping for one more and he thinks I'm mad! I can only imagine what it's like with three, and yes understandably some things have to go out of focus for a while. x

    1. It is a bit mad, but all kinds of wonderful too!

  6. I would secretly love another baby. Husband is NOT keen. I'd love to just have a full-term, non-scary, non-NICU single birth. I'd love to have two arms and one baby. The luxury of rocking it to sleep, gazing for hours at him or her, feeding and sleeping on demand, wrapping them up in a sling and just getting on with my day. I adore my twins, but the infancy stage was so hard that I feel like I didn't get to enjoy them as babies. Anyhow, who am I kidding? Of course I know this is all purely romantic and sentimental! If I had another, it would just get left in a corner while I dealt with the other two! Motherhood is only the soft-lens version in ads. Or if you just have one baby, with no reflux, or no sleeping problems, or no crying. Ever. Be kind to yourself Rachel. You'll find your groove, and in the meantime, you are doing the most marvelous of jobs. I've just followed you over in IG x

  7. I feel so petty with my little whinge about my own parenting struggle recently! Hang in there, lady. Kellie xx

  8. I completely understand Rachel. So sensible. The jump from 2 to 3 means even with another adult on board there is someone still always juggling. My jump from 2 to 4 (with the Twins) just about undid me! I always take my hat off to new Mums who have the time and energy to blog as I only had just enough energy to crash on the couch in the evenings when I had all the Kids at home full-time. The difference with Flynn is that the others are all at School now ,at least for a couple of days, so I'm actually a lot less tired than I was a few years ago. Just enjoy those gorgeous Kids and look after yourself and pop in when you can, IG is great for still staying in the loop with bloggy friends :-). Mel x

  9. I'll read all of your lovely posts no matter how many days/weeks are in between you popping in here. I find I have less time to be online these days with Sophie that little bit older and little bit more demanding of my time and attention so I can imagine how much harder it is with 3 little ones. I've only recently joined IG myself and am SOOO happy you're now on there too... off to follow you xx

  10. I've been impressed by how frequently and beautifully you blog already given that you have three little ones! I'll look for you on instagram. x


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