Tuesday, July 2, 2013

wintertime | watching the whales. . .

we collected aila from school and headed out to the point. while the two boys slept soundly in the back seat of the car, we ate our afternoon tea and watched three whales gracefully frolicking just off the coast. 

breathtaking and captivating. 

{the next day we returned armed with camera, binoculars and my mum, 
but this time there were none to be seen.}  

: : 


  1. How lucky you all are to have a place like this to eat your afternoon tea from. What a view! (whales or not). Your lemon tart was a huge success, I popped meringue on top because my husband wanted lemon meringue pie, and it was delish. Thanks for the heads-up x

  2. Oh! I would love to see that so much, how wonderful that you did. Look at your growing baby, beautiful x

  3. What an amazing sight to see, shame they were too camera shy to say hello to us here :)

  4. I'd honestly love to see some whales, frolicking and such, just amazing I'm sure....
    Emma x

  5. that would certainly have been a treat to see. xxx

  6. How precious Rachel. You are so lucky to live in my favourite part of our state xx

  7. such a cutie, that last shot.
    Seeing whales is quite magical isn't it.

  8. oh i'm so jealous you got to see whales. what a perfect afternoon x


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