Sunday, April 14, 2013

15/52 : a portrait project . . .

they've both taken turns at being unwell this week. days when we are forced to cancel all of our plans, stop and do nothing. as we near the end of school term and the end of this pregnancy, i think these slow days are just what we all need. 

: :

a portrait of my people once a week, every week, in 2013 ~
i'm joining with jodi and taking part in the 52 project


  1. beautiful portraits - i love the b&w, really highlights their amazing eyes and hair (how cute is your boys cut!!!). hope everyone feels tiptop soon!

  2. I hope your 'slow down' days have let you all heal.

    His eyes get me every time, they are amazing.

    Beautiful photos of your two (soon to be three!) beautiful children!


  3. Your photos this week are breathtaking - gorgeous shots. Enjoy those slow, simple days... exactly what we're hanging out for too in the holidays (along with a little holiday down your way) x

  4. now riddle me this Rach, WHY oh WHYYYY must holidays coincide with very late 3rd trimester pregnancy?

    seriously, not far!

    xo em

  5. Yah yah yah!!!!!! A big fat congratulations to you, Rachel!!! Woo hoo! Top 100 blogger for Voices 2013. I'm so excited for you and stoked that your blog made it through. What an honour. Enjoy the whole process, Rachel, you so deserve it. xxxx

  6. I hope you're all on the improve. we have been unwell too l think as Autumn brings the cooling weather our bodies just feel the effect of it. Rest up and l hope wellness comes quickly.

  7. Look at those lovely wisps of hair. Love that one.

  8. These are stunning. I chose your pics as my favourites from week 15/52 (see my post here:


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