Sunday, February 24, 2013

8/52 : a portrait project . . .

{a portrait of my people once a week, every week, in 2013 ~
i'm joining with jodi and taking part in the 52 project}

aila : she swam the width of the pool this week. without any help. all by herself. 
elliot : he wanted to sleep at nanny's house last night. without aila. all by himself. 

: :

this afternoon sam saw a tiger snake. in the very spot where i'd taken these pictures. at the back of our house.
so close to the end of summer and with the cooler weather here, i'd become fairly complacent. 
now vigilance, bordering on paranoia, has returned. 


  1. gorgeous pics, the second is beautiful with the light and good about the snakes...argh...can't wait for the cooler weather to send them into hibernation!

  2. Aila is a goegous gelfling. A perfect combination of you and Big Sam. And big boy Elliot/Buster/Chops (whats his name) makes my heart melt xx

  3. Oh good luck with the snake. A noisy home and activity will hopefully keep it away.
    Beautiful beautiful pictures xxx

  4. Wow, the light in these photos is amazing. Hope you don't have anymore close encounters.

  5. What amazing light in these shots. Absolutely beautiful.

  6. Beautiful portraits, gorgeous little people. Frightening thought of snakes, it's easy to become complacent though, the cats turn up with one every now and then at my mum and dads and its always a timely reminder for us to be aware..x

  7. Beautiful pictures friend!!! Your little people are adorable!!! Hope the snakes stay far away!!! I have had my own run ins with them while camping! Have a lovely Sunday!

  8. Ahhhh, we don't get snakes here. Could'nt imagine! xo

  9. You guys make such gorgeous babies. Yikes to the snake! Kellie xx

  10. Love the light in the last shot. Looks beautiful. Not so keen on the snake part though.....


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