Wednesday, May 5, 2010

autumn cleaning. . .

An unexpected morning at home.
More glorious autumn sunshine.
We set to work cleaning The Little One's
long neglected kitchen.

Take a bucket of sudsy water
and some old rags
and you've got one toddler
happily entertained for hours.

At this age she really does love
to be involved in practical jobs.
Especially ones involving water.
Absorbed in her own busy little world.

...and while she tended to her kitchen,
I got a chance to sort out mine.

I think they call this nesting?

: :


  1. I love that they love these things - so mundane for so many but such a joy when you are small. Ours love 'experiments' which involve hours of mixing dirt and water and flour and oats in their 'motion potions.' We can sit and have tea while they happily invent marvelous concoctions. Xxx

  2. Cohen is all about water at the moment too. Sitting in it, trying to drink the dogs water, pouring it on his head. Anything water is good except having his face washed.

    I loved nesting. I could clean for days and days and never get bored and feel totally wonderful when I looked at everything I had cleaned. It seems a mean joke once you have the baby and don't have the time or the inclination to keep it up to that nesting standard! :)

  3. I hereby admit, that I could not sanely exist without the sandpit or bubbly water. My heartfelt thanks to whoever invented 'em.

  4. hehe that's pretty much what we did yesterday too. Was nice. Hope you got lots done too!


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